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Manchester Championship Show 2020

Av Good Citizen Dog Scheme

Judge: Mrs Anne Macdonald

Best Dog : Not Awarded
Res Best Dog : Not Awarded
Best Bitch : Not Awarded
Res Best Bitch : Not Awarded
Best Puppy :
Best Veteran :

Class 623 GCD/B (25 Entries) Abs: 11
1st: 1766 KITCHENER Miss J Ch Michandy Realization JW
2nd: 875 BAILEY Ms R E Can Ch Arcticice Qimmiq G Amorak Avec Akna (Imp) S
3rd: 955 PELLOWE Mr D & Mrs V Ch Wildax Endless Love
Res: 1819 RATCLIFFE, Mrs W V & BOOTH, Mrs V & BOOTH Miss D Namkia Thou Art Beloved Jw
VHC: 1222 STOCKS Mrs T B Pandamax Lady Martini To Nospar JW

Manchester Championship Show 2020